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Blitzing Emily Page 21
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Page 21
“I’ve got you,” Brandon said. “But you’re cold. Let’s go lie down.”
He led Emily out of the water and up the bank. They slipped on the wet rocks a bit, but made it back to the blanket. The deer had wandered away. The only sounds besides their breathing were the rushing water, trees rustling in the breeze, and birds chirping in the distance. She lay down in the sunshine, rolled onto her back, and held her arms out to him. Even if they were both still dripping wet, Emily wanted him as close as she could get him.
“Still mad at me?” he asked.
Her fingers tangled in his chest hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
His head rested on her shoulder. She dropped a kiss on his forehead. He circled one of her nipples with a fingertip. “They look like little raspberries.”
Brandon and Emily lay quietly for a few moments, drying in the sun, and then he shoved himself up on his elbow. “Where were we?” he murmured as he took her face in his hand. His leg slipped against hers, and he covered her with his body. He was hard against Emily’s belly, and she realized she’d been waiting for this since the moment they met.
“You were kissing me, and then you dumped me into the water.”
“It was an accident. I’ll make it up to you,” he said.
“I’m not sure that’s possible,” Emily said.
“You don’t say.” He covered her breast with one hand, and teased the nipple with his thumb. Shocks of sensation rolled through her body. “There’s no Tiffany’s out here. I’m fresh out of the usual offerings. Will you take a rain check? I’d hate to think you were so mad at me that we couldn’t continue enjoying ourselves . . .”
He pulled his hand away from her.
“It wasn’t . . . It wasn’t that bad,” she burst out.
“Maybe we should go swimming again, then.”
“Oh, no. I want to!”
His hand resumed its previous position, and he nibbled at her collarbone. His voice dropped to a sexy rumble. “Tell me what you want.” He watched her through half-lidded eyes. “Don’t leave anything out.”
She tried to draw air into her lungs. “You,” she said. Her arms slid around him, and she pulled him even closer. “I want you.”
He took the nipple he’d been idly stroking into his mouth. His tongue swirled around it, and she wrapped one of her legs around his. She relaxed into his arms.
Everything was great, until an awful thought crossed her mind.
“Wait. Wait a minute.” Emily pushed him off enough to sit up, and scrabbled around for her clothes. “I have to get dressed. We don’t have any condoms. We can’t do this without a condom.”
“We’re fine, sugar.” He reached over, rooting through the pile of clothes, pulling something from his shorts pocket. He pushed the small foil packet into Emily’s hand as he eased her back down onto the blanket again. “All set.”
Obviously Emily wasn’t a virgin. He wasn’t, either. Even if she wanted this, she was nervous, and it was now a lot more than a no-strings encounter. This would change everything. “It’s broad daylight, we’re outside, and—”
She didn’t finish her sentence. His mouth came down on hers. She was too busy kissing him to think of anything else. His lips tasted like water. His tongue stroked in and out, lingering and exploring. He moved against her with exquisite slowness, his hand straying down her belly. His fingers mimicked what his tongue was doing, slowly, so slowly.
Emily felt the scratchy foil edge of the condom wrapper in her palm as she stroked his back with her fingertips. His fingers were making her tremble and shudder, and she arched frantically against him.
“Easy,” he said, his voice soft in her ear.
“I want—I want—”
“I know you do. You’re going to get there.”
He suckled and played with her breasts until Emily’s nipples were hard and aching. He stroked up and down, his fingers moving in and out of her. She let out a moan. He wasn’t done. He kissed his way over her belly, down, down, until she felt him spread her legs. He tasted her where his fingers had been.
“Oh. Oh. Oh, God.” He was making more of those little circles with his tongue and then his fingertips, and she gasped. She moaned. She begged him. “Please, Brandon, please.”
His voice was dark, rough, and it came from somewhere she’d never heard before. “Do you want me, sugar?”
“Yes. Oh, yes, oh, God, please.”
More licks, more stroking, more rubbing. Emily felt the waves start at her fingertips, the skittering rush of sensation over her skin, and the flashes of heat in her blood. “Come for me.” He pulled her into his mouth, suckled her, flicked his tongue over that small nub of flesh, and gently bit.
Emily came so hard she saw stars. She cried out and heard his soft chuckle. He rolled onto his side, gathering her into his arms. She let out a contented sigh. A few minutes passed. She was sated, drowsy, and warm, and all she wanted was to fall asleep.
He had other plans. “We’re not done yet.”
“Thank God,” she said with feeling.
Brandon kissed her through his laughter.
His hands roamed over her body once more. He took the foil packet from her hand, tore it open with his teeth, and unrolled the latex disc onto himself. Moments later, he moved over her again. She felt the prodding at her entrance, and heard him say, “Ready?”
Emily’s eyelids fluttered closed. The sun beat down, the water rushed, the breeze blew over them. Brandon’s breath was warm on her cheek, and she felt the thin sheen of sweat on his skin. She wrapped her legs around his waist. She reached down to cup his butt in both hands and froze.
Maybe she was hearing things, but it sure sounded like voices coming from the path nearby. She let out a gasp. They weren’t done yet, she thought wildly. They hadn’t even started!
Emily heard him whisper, “Sugar. Don’t move.”
Chapter Sixteen
* * *
BRANDON PULLED AWAY, grabbing the edge of the blanket and flinging it over them. “Shhh. They’ll be gone in a minute.”
Emily heard footsteps and voices. A group of people walked on the path, which was probably twenty-five feet away. Brandon did his best to conceal her, but he was almost completely exposed.
“We need to do something,” she whispered.
“Stay still.”
It was all Emily could do to remain immobile. She wanted to move. She could lose herself in him. But first, they needed to lose the intruders.
Emily heard a young boy shouting, “Hey. What are those people doing over there?” She heard running footsteps and even more voices, which were a little too close for comfort. “They’re naked. Dad, look.”
“Boys, you shouldn’t see this.” The more the man must have tried to herd his kids away, the closer they came. Emily looked up into Brandon’s face in a panic. She saw a flush high on his cheekbones. She knew he was probably as embarrassed as she was, but he was doing his best to remain calm.
An older male’s voice rang out. “Hey. Aren’t you Brandon McKenna?”
If Brandon moved, he’d expose Emily. If he didn’t move, one of them was going to ask him for an autograph.
“Get out of here,” Brandon ground out.
“You’re fornicating in a public place,” the adult male informed Brandon.
Brandon’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “Thanks for letting me know. Take your kids and leave.”
“Do you know what effect this will have on young, impressionable boys?”
Brandon laid a hand over the side of Emily’s face so the guy couldn’t see it. “The longer you stand here, the more they’re going to see. Get out. Now. Just go.”
Emily heard a chorus of young voices:
“What are they doing, Dad? Why don’t they have any clothes on?”
“My parents do that, too. They told me they were wrestling.”
“I can see his butt.”
“What’s ‘fornicating’?”
“Oh, m
y God,” she whispered to Brandon. Her heart was pounding. Her cheeks were burning with embarrassment. She could feel Brandon’s body tensing against hers as he tried to pull more of the blanket over them with his free hand.
Finally the group’s footsteps moved off down the path. Brandon waited until all was silent again, and rolled off of her.
“I’m so sorry,” he said.
“For what? It’s not like we invited them.”
“I don’t think they saw you. Well, I hope not.”
Emily stroked his face. “You were so sweet to protect me.”
“Naked wrestling,” he mused.
She couldn’t help it; she laughed. At first, Brandon looked a bit annoyed, and then he threw his head back and roared right along with her.
“So much for the big romantic moment,” Emily said.
“That’s me, Mr. Romance. I finally get a beautiful naked woman all to myself, and the Cub Scouts come calling.”
They laughed until they cried, and then Brandon and Emily dressed each other. It took a little longer to zip and snap and button than it did to get the clothes off in the first place. They lay back on the blanket again.
Brandon grinned at her. “We’ll never forget our first time.”
“It’s a good thing to have sex without an audience.”
“We’ll probably have to leave the country to do it, but it’ll happen.” He raised an eyebrow. “You know, I’d like to try this again without the scouting troop.”
“Doing the wild thing outside?”
“It sounds great, but I have a better idea. There’s a really nice bed at my house, and a bottle of champagne in the fridge. Greg’s probably cleared out by now.”
“Race you to the car.”
BRANDON FROWNED AS he concentrated on the treacherous road over the mountain pass that led back to his house. Emily knew she wasn’t helping. At the same time, she couldn’t take her hands off him.
“So, what are you going to do to me when we get there?” Emily said, laying a hand on his thigh.
“Sugar, if you don’t keep those hands to yourself, we’re gonna slide right off the edge here. It’s a pretty steep drop.”
She moved her hand a fraction of an inch higher. “I can think of some things I’d like to do to you. First, I’ll take your clothes off very slowly. I’ll work my way up from your feet, up over your ankles, up your calves and thighs. I’ll lick my way to your—”
“Maybe we should talk about something else,” he interrupted.
Emily slid her hand another fraction of an inch up his thigh in response.
“We’ll never make it home. Jesus, sugar, have mercy.” His lips curved into a smile, though. “Then again, we have a backseat.” He wriggled his eyebrows at her.
“Maybe we’ll meet the police this time instead of the Cub Scouts,” Emily said. “My parents will be so proud.”
“We’ll show them how it’s done.”
Finally, the Kirkland exit came into view, and Brandon’s Land Rover came to a screeching halt in front of his house. They raced up the walk and piled into the front door as he tried to get the key to work.
Emily panted, “What if we can’t open the door?”
“We’re breaking a window, sugar. There’s no way in hell I’m not getting in here.”
Finally, the lock opened.
“Greg,” he shouted as he burst through the doorway. “Nordquist.” There was blessed silence. He shut the door behind him with one foot as he reached for her. Emily’s back thudded against the foyer wall as they slammed against it.
“Champagne,” Emily gasped out between hot and hungry kisses. Half her clothes were off before she heard Brandon relock the front door. She was pulling his t-shirt over his head and trying to unzip his shorts at the same time.
“Bed first, and then I’ll drink it out of your belly button,” he promised. They dragged each other down the hallway.
Brandon tossed her onto his bed, pulled off her boots and socks one more time, and threw himself down next to Emily. He stretched one arm over her head, pulled open the drawer of the bedside table, and emptied a warehouse-store sized box of condoms onto her bare belly.
“I know you worry about these things. We have plenty.”
They crawled between the bed sheets. Emily tangled her fingers in his hair and kissed him. She heard his low, sexy laugh as she came up for air.
“I thought I was supposed to be in charge,” she said.
“Next time, sugar.”
He took her mouth with long, slow, plundering kisses, and then, he took her. She couldn’t resist him. He owned her. He conquered her. Emily reveled in the touch of strong, sure, gentle hands, his quiet murmurs, and the desire she saw in his eyes.
Brandon, she discovered, was more than generous with his attentions. She also enjoyed the resulting (and explosive) orgasms.
She lay against him as they both tried to catch their breath. Everything was quiet for a few moments. Emily traced his dimple with her fingertip.
“Is it always that good?”
A grin stole over his face, and his arms tightened around her once again. “We’d better do it again, just to make sure.”
It was so successful that Brandon and Emily couldn’t resist doing it once more before they fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. They finally managed to make love without roommates, teammates, Cub Scout troops, cell phones, or interruptions of any kind.
Sometime later, Brandon’s stirring awakened Emily. She watched him sleep in the darkened room. His lips curved into a faint smile. She wanted to kiss him again. Actually, she never wanted to stop kissing him. She never wanted the hot, breathless, heart pounding excitement she got every time he pulled her into his arms to end, either. Even though Emily wasn’t sure she wanted to be owned or conquered, she realized that she was done, in more ways than the obvious. Slowly but surely, she’d fallen in love with him.
THE NEXT MORNING, Emily awoke to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee drifting in from the kitchen, but that wasn’t the only thing tickling her nose. His chest hair rubbed against her face. She breathed in a lungful of his clean skin and the familiar wisp of his aftershave. She snuggled against his warmth. He still wore that faint smile as he slept, and he kicked off the blankets sometime during the night. The tan lines on his thighs and at his waist made her smile. Maybe she should just stay put and enjoy the view.
In the end, though, the coffee won out. Emily slid out from under the arm he flung around her during the night and slithered off the bed. After putting on one of his robes, she padded into the kitchen. She poured two mugs out of the programmable coffee pot, picked the newspaper off the front porch, and carted it all back to bed.
He’d claimed last night she’d worn him out. She wasn’t moving especially fast this morning, either.
Emily sat up against the headboard of Brandon’s bed, skimming the front page stories.
“Oh, no. Oh, my God.” She nudged him. “Wake up.”
Brandon rolled onto his back. “What’s the matter, sugar?” he said sleepily.
“The Scout leader gave an interview to The Seattle Times.”
It took him a few seconds to rub his eyes and stretch. “You’re shi— you’re kidding me.” Brandon pulled himself up against the pillows. He kissed Emily’s cheek and wrapped one arm around her.
“He’s talking about going to the police and having you arrested for indecent exposure and lewd behavior. Plus, he claims to have cell phone photos of us.”
Brandon grabbed the paper, read the short article, and then threw it on the floor. He rubbed his face with one hand, but Emily saw the sadness in his eyes before he turned his face away from her.
“At least they didn’t recognize you,” he said, referring to the article’s “unidentified redhead.” It also said that Emily Hamilton “could not be reached for comment.”
He took a deep breath. “Coffee must be ready.”
She handed him a mug from the nightstand.
“You’ll nee
d to stay overnight more often,” he said.
“This is the closest you’re getting to breakfast in bed, bruiser.”
He chuckled. “More cooking lessons? You know I’m up for it.” His lips grazed the back of her neck. God. She wanted him again.
The telephone rang. He grabbed it. “McKenna.” He listened for a moment and then said, “Hey, talk to my agent.” He hung up.
“Who was that?”
“ESPN. They know what’s going on in my life before I do.” He rolled his eyes. The phone rang again. Brandon picked up the receiver, said, “McKenna,” listened for a while, and frowned. “Listen, Coach, I apologize. I didn’t mean to embarrass the team. I’m surprised the commissioner’s up that early on a Sunday.” He was quiet for a few more minutes. He was making light of this, but it sounded like he was in trouble, and her stomach twisted in sympathy. “Okay. I’ll pay the fine. I understand why you’re doing it.” Emily heard the coach’s voice, some laughter, and Brandon said, “Thanks for being so understanding. I’m available whenever you’d like to set it up. Thanks again.” He hung up.
“They gave you a fine.” If that guy really had photos, both she and Brandon were in a lot more trouble than they knew how to get out of.
“It’s not a big deal. The commissioner’s having a shi— He’s a little upset.”
Emily slumped down in the bed. She tried to pull the blankets up over her face, but Brandon wouldn’t let her.
“I’ll bet you twenty dollars that guy is on the morning news today,” she said.
“I’m not taking that bet, sugar. Let’s have a look.” He clicked the television on with the remote.
They didn’t have to wait long before a news program came on. When it was time for the sports report, yesterday’s little escapade was first up.
“The Seattle Sharks are a bit red-faced this morning over the off-the-field antics of their Pro Bowl defensive end, Brandon McKenna,” the male sportscaster began. “It seems that McKenna was spotted yesterday by a group of Cub Scouts just off a hiking trail outside of Leavenworth with an unidentified redhead. The couple was involved in what a team spokesperson calls ‘a compromising situation.’ McKenna is engaged to opera diva Emily Hamilton. We couldn’t reach Miss Hamilton for comment. ESPN is reporting that McKenna has been fined $25,000 by the NFL commissioner for ‘conduct unbecoming a professional athlete.’”